Path of relating training aka Embodied intimacy training

A Full-Spectrum Education In Embodiment, Intimacy, Conscious Relating in Community & Optional Facilitator Track.

Next Training Starts in March 2025

A Deeply Transformative Journey

• Receive a wholistic and integrated emotional, relational and sexual education

• Deepen your experience of intimacy, connection and eros.

• Shift the foundation of your relationships from fear to trust

• Explore your deepest longings around intimacy, love and partnership

• Rediscover your erotic innocence and wildness

• Reclaim your body as an intelligent instrument, an inner guide and barometer for your truth

• Experience healthy sisterhood and brotherhood within a loving tribe

• Deepen self-love, self-acceptance and self-leadership through the mirrors of others

• Transform your fear, shame, and trauma around who you are as a sexual and creative being.

• End the war within as a political act of healing the planet

• Step into your greatness as part of a much larger relational evolution

“I have been dreaming about something like this all my life…”

Come Home to Love, Eros & Your Body 

We all carry a collective trauma. We fumble in relationship, we struggle with loneliness. We’re cut off from our bodies, their juices and smells and animal desires. We manipulate our sexual partners for external validation. We try to mimic porn sex. Men are men because they get laid. Women are women because they are desired. Happiness is rarely lasting.

Would you like to experience a different kind of world?

A world where we could slow down enough to feel safe in every cell of our body... where we could put our conditioning on hold... where we can allow our senses to open and guide the way. 

What if we could build a new culture together — based on trust that comes from speaking the truth?

What if we could bridge that painful gap between who we think we are in our minds – and who we experience ourselves to be through our bodies and hearts?

This world is here now. This is your invitation.

Together, in community, we will live in this new world. We will explore how to cultivate a loving, erotic embodiment in which all of us is included, even the parts that feel scary, amazing, too little or too much.

We will explore how we can heal one another, unlock our organism’s innate ability to integrate and embrace all our contradictions. Come home, through your body, to one united whole. 

In this community we will cultivate trust, solidarity and mutual support. We will move from experiencing ourselves as isolated messed up individuals, to stand together in the devastating collective and historical trauma we have inherited. This cultural wound has left us in fear of, and at war with, love and eros, the sacred energies that created us and are the essence of our joy. This wound lives in every fiber of our nervous system as a terror of not being worthy of love. Women fear intimacy with men. Men fear intimacy with women. Brothers mistrust brothers; sisters mistrust sisters. 

We can't heal these relational traumas alone.

But we can engage in simple and truthful ways of being together, by quieting down the regular, superficial chitchat of social interaction. We can enter into a profound transformational intimacy with one another and with shared reality, through attuning and dialoguing — breath by breath, sound by sound, touch by touch, move by move.

You can be a part of this future. 

Are you ready to jump aboard this life-changing journey?

2025 Training Dates

The training is a 7-month journey containing 4 x 1-week residential modules with additional weekly online integration groups and online facilitator training group.

Module One: 24 to 30 March
Bonding as a Community

Module Two: 2 to 8 of June
From Trauma to Personal Power

Module Three: 11 to 17 August
The Erotic Animal Hiding in the Shadows

Module Four: 13 to 19 October
Integration and Celebration

More detailed info on the module contents below.

“I feel much more deeply surrendered to the truth of my experience, without any impulse to bypass it...”

“As I feel into how I experience myself leaving here, I feel much more deeply attuned to the truth of my experience and much more deeply surrendered to the truth of my experience without any impulse to bypass it. I felt so much more deeply in my spine, in my root, I could feel the base of my spine, I feel it here on a level which I s deep for me. I feel super excited that we are going to do this over a year, that is such a special gift - I have never experienced anything like that with a group of people. Who knows where we are going to go? And as I said to you guys, what you are holding is really special, really really special. It is such a gift to humanity...”


The 4 Modules – An Overview

Module One –

Bonding as a Community

In module one, we build a strong container of safety and community. This happens when our sharing is received and mirrored by others in ways that allows us to feel truly seen, known, heard and accepted. When we build this kind of space together, radical healing becomes possible. In fact, it becomes irresistible!

Module Two –

From Trauma to Personal Power

In Module Two, everyone has the opportunity to work with their developmental/ attachment/ sexual traumas. These are invited to be brought into the community to be witnessed and met in love, transparent vulnerability, and are challenged to the illusions they maintain. We learn to connect, safely embody, and relate with these defensive instincts. We develop our capacity to possess and harness the power of these instincts, our primordial reactive power. Fear is turned to power: the power to love as we desire, to create the sacred life we wish to live.

Module Three –

The Erotic Animal Hiding in the Shadows

In Module Three, we learn to share clear feedback with each other, reclaim our projections, roar from our hearts, wrestle and cuddle with each other, and rewrite old stories with new ones - ones where we can be truly ourselves, in all our power and fullness, and truly bonded with others at the same time. From this point we can begin to know a sexuality that is genuinely grounded and integrated with the core of who we are. We do this knowing that despite (and maybe even thanks to) our edges and shadows, we are lovable, we are welcome, and we belong. We feel the relief of not needing to live from a defended place, expecting the worst to happen, again. We learn to rest in a presence that holds all the good, all the bad, as one who has enough heart and belly for both the light and the shadow.

Module Four –

Integration and Celebration

In this final phase of our journey together, we flow, dance and play in the field of love the community has created. We nakedly expose our raw and powerful hearts. We activate the erotic force in all its soulfulness and animal wildness – and explore what it means to heal, transform and empower ourselves and each other into a totally new experience of being alive. In Module Four, the participants add new flavors to the group harvest through sharing their gifts and offerings with the community. The community enters the mystery of co-creation through a fluid leadership and a more improvised structure. We play with dissolving the boundaries between leading and following. Each individual learns to stand in the power of their wholeness, the unique beauty of their brokenness, and their erotic force and aliveness. Together we learn how these are gifts, for each of us and all of us. We come to feel what it means to stand together as an integrated community of unique, empowered individuals, each plugged into the source of their own inspiration to contribute to the whole – in wisdom, pleasure, rawness, creativity, and celebration.


For individuals: €4999

Price includes the course fee, vegetarian meals and accommodations in shared dorm.

A non-refundable deposit of €500 is required to reserve a place.

Please discuss payment options at interview.

For companies & organisations


Price includes the course fee, vegetarian meals and accommodations in shared dorm.

A non-refundable deposit of €500 is required to reserve a place.

Please discuss payment options at interview.

The Facilitator Team

Past Guest Facilitators

“I am super amazed and so grateful for this experience and for you guys bringing this out and making it possible for me and us to find it. For me this is a dream come true. And if you ever make a living community, you can count me in. I want to live like this! I don’t want to live in any other way because this is real. yeah. And I Love the way you lead with transparency and vulnerability and its just whhhaaa, I feel like this jellyfish, I am soft and floating, I am so safe and comfortable and I have so much love for all of you. Its like this unconditional love we have and there is nothing we can do that will make it less. No matter how fucked up you are, there will always be more!”

- Tori

“There is not a single part that I brought here that has left, but there is no judgement towards them anymore.”

The Venue

Ätran, Sweden

(nearest airports: Gothenberg or Copenhagen)

The venue itself is an old school building situated in the beautiful Swedish countryside. It is rustic, charming and has a slightly chaotic and creative air to it which is perfect for our work.

“I am in complete peacefulness right now, there is not a single part that I brought here that has left, but there is no judgement towards them anymore. I still have all these instincts, reactions, patterns but this attachment to the idea of getting rid of them somewhere with some practice or teacher, with some magic, some medicine, drug, it’s just gone. They will always be there and now there is this new relationship forming to them to start to honor them and curiously witness them whenever they come to presence, and that it's just mind-blowingly beautiful. This idea that I can find some place in the world that can heal me somehow is gone. Now, it's just like cool, lets witness this theater, until it's gone. And all of you are so fuckign deep in my heart - I have no words for you (Buster & Rachel) I know you see it pouring out of me but I am so grateful. Thank you guys.”

- Lea